橡胶减速带 规格:500×350×50mm 重量:15kg/m 端头规格:250×350×50mm 重量:3kg/pc 特点: 1.*特的设计,显著的减**果,从上面轧过没有噪音,没有不舒适感。 2.高精致橡胶制成,结实,**,强抗撞击。 3.根据客户需求灵活组合,且安装便捷。 4.黄黑两色组合,白天黑夜都能有效地吸引司机的注意力,从而达到成功减速的效果。 5.被广泛使用的较新减速产品之一。主要使用于城市十字路口,高速公路交叉口,收费站道口,公园村庄入口,停车场,加油站等。 Rubber Speed Hump Characteristics: 1.Specialized designed,notable decelerate effect,without noise and uncomfortable feeling. 2.High intensive rubber,firm and useful,good anti-impact ability. 3.Set up flexibly according the request of the customer,convient installment. 4.Black and yellow,affect in day and night,attack the attention of the drivers to decelerate successfully. 5.Widely used,one of the newest traffic safe productions,a good helper of the Manager Usage:Manily used for city intersection,highroad crossiong,toll gate,garden village,parking lot,and gas station etc.