产品名称:道钉 产品规格:100×50mm 产品特点: 1.由高强度铝合金铸成,抗压30吨以上;而且耐紫外光,**. 2.带钉插入地面,再用胶水粘接,双重加固,稳定性强. 3.耐盐碱腐蚀,耐风沙磨损. 4.反射器性能好,反射器为微棱镜全反射反射器,反光亮度达到钻石级反光亮度. 5.稳固**,经久**. 6.通过交通部认证,符合国标JT/T 390 ----1999,可以在各种道路上使用. 7安装在中线,边线都可以,适合在交通流量大的路面使用,也可用做减速道钉. Road Stud Size:100×50mm Feactures: indestructible, made from aluminum alloy with compression resistance over 30 tons . to the road by an anti-twist stem for added stability . to corrosive effects of salt and grit . good character of reflectivity equal to the intensity of diamond grade . withstand the most arduous traffic conditions and be durable . by the Department of Transport for use on all types of roads Complies with JT/T 390 -1999 of China. for centre line demarcation .